
Letter #90


Dear Flk6041,

The best thing about you, besides that décolleté shot of you that has earned you thousands of unwanted winks by dudes who have no prob closing down any shit-hole bar night after night playing the same dumbass game of pool with another loser, is your groupie story about selling falafels. Sounds like plenty of hummus and plenty of love. Don’t get me wrong on this; I’m really not crass nor chasing young girls like you, but there is a certain freshness to your hopes, desires, and ambitions that I am happy to say makes a lot more sense to me than the usual nigh demands women closer in age to me are generally making. Once they get that special Upper East Side zip code, they’re all business; they know how to flatter, but have lost the sweet ability to cajole. Don’t let your love of New York and that degree you’ve got eat your spirit up. Keep with the falafel crowd; they’re your bliss; they’re your best.




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