
Letter #30


Dear Sparky1988,


Dear Sparky1988, I hope I do not offend you, since you are after all a graduate of both Cornell and Columbia, by pointing out that you might consider changing the second "a" in your word "advanturous" to an "e." It'd make better copy, of course; and bring out the color of your eyes. I have also noticed just now that you claim to be a mixture of an introvert and an extrovert. In fact, your entire profile is a balancing act of steady complements. I see that better now; I suppose, while you seem a little pressed against the rail behind you in your photo, I was somewhat blinded by your salient attractiveness, if I may make so bold and declare it. I have. An absolute beauty. Fortunately, you know your "own limits," and coming from someone in your field, that has a particularly significant weight. I would cherish herewith at some point in the future, if that point in time should ever come, to engage you in the opportunity to meet at the Cloisters to carry on a discussion about the missing Unicorn tapestry.



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