
Letter #154


Dear Mingming114,

I have come to visit you two or three times. I thought you were a very cute animal, one that I would like to take home with me. The first time I came and poked my finger through your cage, you licked it. I thought it meant you liked me, that you wanted to leave that dirty “shelter” of yours.


When I came back the next day, you were either asleep or just chose to ignore me. Now, I know that animals who have been abandoned by their keepers can be that way. I know they can be temperamental and moody. I know that rescue animals often have these sorts of trust issues, and that it takes time.


Sometimes, when an animal has lived in a shelter too long, it gets too comfortable there, and becomes afraid to come out, even into the sunshine, even when there is a kind hand, even when there might be a warm home for it. They get used to a bad situation that they know, and become afraid to try a new one that is unknown, even if it might be better.

I came back one more time. I looked at you with kind eyes. I saw that you were very pretty. I felt that you were lonely there in your cage, day and night. I noticed, too, how you stirred and looked out longingly from your cage very, very early in the morning, and often late at night, too. Seeing you move about in the darkness like that made me feel affection and longing for you.


I am here at the animal shelter one more time; it might be the last. If you make even a little yelp, give the slightest oink, or make the softest purr, I promise you I’ll come back again.

Just stir a little, make only a little noise, and I’ll come back as often as you need, again and again, before you feel comfortable enough for me to open up the door to your cage and come out of the old familiar safety of it into the new fresh open world with me.


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