
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Dear Marynyc:


Yes, you're right: people can write anything here, and I'm beginning to have my doubts about what people say. I'm not sure if people even mean to make things up, but I don't really think people want the things they claim they want. Sure, it's easy to say that you want someone who is worldly, funny, smart, handsome, gentle, direct, honest, and all that. But if that were truly the case I'd have a lot more replies than I do. Of course, why take my word for it, any more than I take the word of people I never hear back from who say they want. . . well, you know what they want. Oh, brother!


You're right: if you want to get a sense of someone, see the person in person. If you think you'd like to know me, for instance, send me a line, and let me know.



# 92


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!