
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Dear Springbreeze,


You are the very first person in over 500 profiles, probably a 1000, to say either of these two things: you've got great calves and you're a passionate lover. With your net cast over 5000 miles, you've probably got every devil-fish with a working dorsal fin after you for that one. Do you want fire? I have got bundles of it. Do want the stats to back it up, no, that's sort of off-putting. Besides, we're both educated people; and, after all, I'm the writerly, intellectual type. But, I confess, I am in top physical shape. I am lean and toned and my blood-pumping heart will not give out on you at night. I'll squeeze those proud calves of yours and make you giggle; quote Li Po, but never drown smilling in the liquor of my smile; I'll make you late for work, and happily use up that extra two weeks of vacation.



# 85


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!