
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Hi, Snowsonnet,


You already have an amazing life and sound like an amazing woman. You're fit, healthy, beautiful; you sail, ski, hike, ride. Me, I'd be right alongside you. You're the only person I've run across on this site who genuinely sounds and looks like she's in better shape than I am. And I don't mean that to sound boastful; rather, it's a compliment to you. And, on top of that, I love the picture of you at the piano. I play, too, by the way--just some of Beethoven's easy sonatas, Bach, and easier Mozart and the like, if you know what I mean. But it makes me happy, of course. On top of all that, you read (or, as you say, "listen") to the classic books. And your music choice is far-ranging.


Can any man keep up with all the things you do? You sound so incredibly alive and invigorating, I couldn't resist. If you think you'd like to jack my ipod, as I could definitely listen to the music on yours, drop me a line, as you suggested I have you.



# 75


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!