
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Dear moppetpoppet:


You know, I thought the last section of your profile was the lyrics to a Sheryl Crow song, "Now I'm finally free," etc. I'm afraid I've seen your story a thousand million times in the streets of New York: beautiful Asian women with guys who have little lasting desire for them except the fact that they are beautiful Asian women who are willing, no matter what practically, to stay for years and years with these bozos who have little lasting desire for them. Neither person, therefore, can get away from the other. Of course, every couple's story is more complicated than that, but it seems to me that these are the fundamental bricks that so many of these crooked houses are built from, again and again. It's heartbreaking, actually; you, for instance, speak here of essentially being gagged, not talking, kept, because of your perceived language barrier, from speaking; when in fact, you are a talker, a lively (and homesick) thinker. For Christ's sake, you're a talented artist! But, even in your headline, you still refer to yourself as a "poppet," a doll, a plaything. And so long as you continue to retain and project this child's image of yourself, you really cannot be treated as a whole, unified person in your own right, essentially because you yourself have not accepted fully that you are a grown woman, and cannot, therefore accept virtually anyone who will treat you as such. I'm sorry if that sounds hard, but squirrels trying to cross the road have better luck than people often do getting to the other side of their lives. And there are lots of flattened squirrels in the middle of the road. I'm not really sure what you mean by "someone who's looking for dates for fun." Nobody's looking for someone to push a plow for him. Fun is essential; it is what makes a longterm relationship worth keeping. It's what makes the books for children you illustrate worth drawing.



# 42


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!