
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Hi, Eden347:

You are funny and smart and right on the money all the way.


Believe me, most of these profiles sound like crap; mine included. Mine makes me sound like a mixture of Henry James and Yoda with normal word order. And that's bad. But, listen, I'm pitching to a different crowd. All their edges, smoothed off. Half of them worried about never having children. It's awful, really awful.


You sound like you are all right. Just don't fall for some jerk-off in overalls and a slide-rule who thinks he's smarter than you. He probably won't be. And beware of phrases like "emotionally mature," and what was that other one you said, "goals" or "career" or something like that. These things have no meaning. A goal is a point scored in soccer. And a career is what people who have no life purpose pursue; it's about as generic as any commuter standing on any platform. Avoid at all cost. Please. The world needs people like you.


While you're too far away and I'm way out of your age class, good luck.


# 17


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!