
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Hi, Novanova,


You sound great. Even though we'll never meet, given that New Haven is an uncomfortable 2 1/2 hour jag from where I live, there are plenty of things we both like. Radiohead and Dostoyevsky, for starters. I must say, however, I absolutely hate NPR! So smug and self-serving and really not smart radio at all. I am, I am careless to admit, "wickedly smart and funny." But more even than that and my odd syntax for some reason here right now your simple and to the humble and true point: "Be good company." As Plato writes of Socrates saying while stroking the fine golden curls of Lysis, he would give even all the gold of Darius to have friendship, that thing of which his young charge and the beloved are possessed of each other so easily. Keep on with your fight!



# 160


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!