
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Dear Littlesun31,


My, my, my you are a little fireball. You've got a very inviting innocent & white dress thing going, but a little sliver of your tummy showing (where a ring, too, is apparently hidden). You are trying to land the big husband-fish, but clearly like going out and get drunk at night like any wild and young girl. You tell potential men that if they're not ready to commit to you and settle down (which, by the way, you say without their even having ever met you), then to pass on. But are you, my sly little Japanese goddess, really ready to settle down and commit yourself? I'd love to meet you and talk about these and other matters, and gently guide you home by a soft touch to the elbow late, late at night.



# 147


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!