
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Dear Vittovoo,

If you like Levin, you'll like me. If you like the scene when he's drinking kvar with the muzhik best of all moments in all literature best, then you'll like me. If you like the fact that I slept in a little grotto tucked away in Stockholm where an assassin had once hidden in my twenties, then you'll like me. If you like the fact that I once wrote a letter to a boy I was jealous over in the exact same style as the illiterate letter in Lucky Jim goes, then you'll like me. I know you like Lucky Jim; if that is the funniest book you've ever read, then you'll like me. And I mean made you laugh out loud hard. Real hard. And the next time you read it, years later, too. If you like that I have written five novels, then you'll like me. If that is more important than the fact that none is published yet, then you'll like me. If you like the fact that a booklength collection of short stories is sitting on the desk at Dalkey Press right now, then you'll like me. If you like the fact that I tell you that these short-stories, are god-awful brilliant (and I do mean "god-awful"), then you'll like me. If you think that this if p, then q logic is sorta funny, then you'll like me. I like your line, "Lather, rinse and repeat" a lot. It's good, real good.


# 139


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!