
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Dear Firehouse5:


I regret I rested on my hooves too long. From time to time, I trotted out to the edge of the forest, caught a glimpse of you, and trotted back in within the safety of elves, dwarves, and other sprites who knew me well. You were magnificent. Every so often, I would gallop to the perimeter; often you were there. Yes, there were others; I bowed to them, they patted my horn. I even whinnied, as a unicorn does, you know, from time to time, but ran away. I could not forget you. In the middle of a bower, tucked deeply within the oldest trunks of all, I folded my legs in thought, and brought you to mind. I was determined this time to leave the safety of my forested world and greet you. I did; you spoke to me; you said to me, "Indeed, you are a silly thing!" With that, you won my heart. I bent at my knees to carry you thither, wherever that should be.  But, alas, you told me, too, that you had spied another. I shambled back into my reckless paradise, hearing the distant thunder breaking far away.



# 111


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!