
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Hi, not2spookie,


I know you said not to bother you if I were the kind of person who took himself too seriously, but I really like that shiny gray scarf you're wearing and couldn't resist taking a poke at Life of Pi which is one of my least favorite books ever read, though not my "latest." To me, that book was a total bathetic ploy of jerk-off sentimentalism earmarked to make a big buck. See? I take myself too seriously. Or, maybe that isn't what you mean at all by it. I mean, sure, I like to laugh. Even Karl Rove likes to laugh. No, Karl Rove likes to laugh probably a lot more than most people. Of course he laughs at the wrong things because he's Karl Rove. There I go again: taking myself too seriously. I saw the Dalai Lama a couple of years back. He looked out over the graveyard stretched out over his right beyond the fence, held out his arm, pointed, and, before he began his talk to the crowd of people seated to hear him in the grass of a local baseball outfield, smiled at us and said, "The final destination!" I take myself about that seriously. How about you?



# 106


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!