
Read another letter!

Go on a date!

Dear Mallardlover35,


Yes, you are very smart and very funny. But who doesn't at least try to lead with his or her best shoe first? To a certain extent, I look at this as a cheap place, as in inexpensive, where bunches of my own little demons come up, little geists and whatnot, momentary evocations of longings and sudden intimations. And truly, for each letter I write that hardly ever gets written back to, a part of me does come alive. There are of course a lot of dolts out there, but so what? It's a little painful that smart aware people, and I'm one of them and so are you, will never find the big thing, as you put it here, but so what, too. Your blunt friendliness was a real nice kick in the pants to run across.



# 10


Go on a Date!

Another Letter!